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Animon Story is LIVE on Kickstarter!


For the first time ever Animon Story will be available as a physical book thanks to funding from Kickstarter! The project has just gone live, so please head over and back and any reward level to help us reach the goal! Not only the rulebook, but also the Ani-thology adventure collection is also going to be available in print. You can get both books together in a wonderful slipcase package, the perfect Animon Story collection! This game has been a very personal endeavour for me, and it's been a long road to get here. Now, with help from publisher Metal Weave Games, I can finally bring Animon Story into the real world as a book. I hope all fans of 'mon' games and shows will enjoy! Once again, the link to the Kickstarter is below:

Let's do this! Zak Barouh


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