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Animon Story is coming to print!


Animon Story will be published as a physical book via Kickstarter in 2022.

With the help of award-winning TTRPG publishing company Metal Weave Games, Animon Story will finally be available as a physical book. Working with Andreas Walters (@andreas_mwg) of Metal Weave Games, who has a massive amount of experience delivering brilliant tabletop products through crowdfunding, we'll be bringing Animon Story to Kickstarter in Q1 2022 in order to fund the physical print run.

I'm absolutely delighted to be partnering with MWG on this, and even more delighted to be able to provide a physical version of the game to all those who have asked after it.

Keep up to date with the latest developments via the newsletter or on my Twitter page (@ZakBFree), as there's sure to be more updates in the run-up to the campaign.



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